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Ant Control
We use scientifically proven methods to eradicate your pest problem

Ant Identity
With more than 700 species in the United States, ant identification can be quite a challenge. Start by looking for trails. Ants very rarely travel alone and are usually spotted when they’re hunting as a colony along paths that have been well established. When you’ve found a trail, look at the sizes of the ants. Are they identical or do they vary in size? Also observe when the ants are active—during the day or at night? Look for nests at the end of trails—especially in areas with soil. Soil nests have distinct shapes or patterns depending on the ant species.
Most commonly seen around and in homes is the, Carpenter ant. These Ants could be found in higher elevations or down at sea level. Carpenter ants have multiple entry ways some including: carried in by firewood, door being left open for excessive time, outside wires or branches that have passages into your home, even cracks or little crevices we may seem to think is to small. If found outside be sure to check for trees/old stumps or cracks in the driveway that may have moisture due to elements. Ants like to nest and create soft-like galley ways to travel some may think they live off the wood in their diet. But that isn’t the case, Most ant diets consist of sugar foods like honey or spilled drinks with sugar even sometimes other insects. Carpenter ants could travel 100ft from their nest, usually using the same route they deem safe and have taken many times to salvage food and bring back.
Problems Ants cause
Ants have satellite colonies in
nearby yards or homes,
meaning killing one colony
might not be enough.
Ants leave a pheromone trail for other ants to follow, meaning
more ants are on their way
into your home.
Damage to Home
Some ants can chew on the frame of your home as well window sills.
Ants can Lay up to 800
eggs in a day.