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Spruce Bark Beetles
We use scientifically proven methods to eradicate your pest problem
How do I determine if my trees have been attacked?
Spruce bark beetles flight season starts during the early Summer and ends usually in June/July. During this period they will emerge and attack surrouding trees. The upper roots and lower trunk of Spruce Trees are what the beetles prefer to attack. Trees will display reddish-brown dust produced by the beetles as they chew entrance holes into the bark. Check the holes around the tree for sap accumulation which signals a spruce bark beetle attack.
Spruce beetles have been responsible for killing Spruce trees in northern part of the U.S, including Alaska as one of the epidemic areas. Area where downed spruce trees are will become home to spruce beetles to nest and keep warm during the seasons. After attacking one, the jump to the next spruce and start creating galley like path tubes through starting the next infestation even on healthy live spruce. Spruce beetles have about 1-3 year life span. They create homes near the bottom the tree as snow creates an extra layer of insulation for them. Some signs of early attacks could be sap pitches found around the tree, or red like dust from them chewing entrance ways in. Spruce needles will also turn from yellow-green to turning gray. Woodpeckers could be another sign as they like to peel off the bark and have lunch on the beetles. Getting proper treatment before flight season starts, help eliminate any spruce beetles infestation around your home.
Treatment for Spruce Trees
When to treat
The best time to treat spruce trees is in the Spring (April-May).
Getting a treatment before spruce beetle flight season is the best to prevent Infestations.
Power Spray
This method is the most effective. We use a truck mount sprayer to apply a liquid solution on the trees to prevent and kill spruce beetles.
Tree Injection
We inject a liquid solution to the root system to stop the infestation of spruce bark beetles